Before we get to the Season Recap, our team at OC would like to extend a THANK YOU to our Patreon Community for your continued support!! Your generosity continues to help us make a lasting impact in the community of Columbus and beyond. By being part of our online community, you are ensuring the long-term future of Opera Columbus.
We’re so proud of OC’s work in the 2023-2024 season and the incredible people made it happen. Your support helped us serve over 59,000 individuals from throughout central Ohio, with over 1.2 million more reached through online media, participation in community festivals, and more. Our season opener, Carmen shattered ticket records, becoming our best-performing opera in more than 10 years. Whether you were one of our most trusted subscribers or one that is part of the 30% that we call opera-curious – We want you to know that YOU matter to us 😊✨
Why do we do all of this?! To create art, make friends, build community, and curate experiences that your children’s children will remember. Because of your constant support – even after 42 years, Opera Columbus is OPERA in our vibrant beautiful city. ❤️
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