Lorii is a Dance Educator, choreographer, from Toledo, Ohio. She began dancing and playing the viola and piano at a young age then continued her study with Toledo Ballet, Toledo Performing Arts Company and more. After studying Dance Therapy at the University of Toledo, and training with the late Geraldine Blunden of DCDC, she Traveled and danced with The Tacoma Performing Arts Company. She’s written over 20 original productions and has directed and choreographed numerous productions across the country. Lorii recently choreographed the CATCO’s “EUBIE “ and “My Way”. During the last 10 years, Lorii’s worked with over 100 churches, schools, companies, and organizations creating community-wide projects. Acknowledgements from Columbus City Council, State Senators Office and Congress were given for her community arts productions to raise awareness for human trafficking and other subjects that affect our community. She serves on several community boards and operates Set The Atmosphere Interior Decorating & Decor.